Public-Cortx Home

CORTX Object Storage Distributed Storage Software

Hello and welcome to CORTX’s confluence space. Here you should find many useful documents about CORTX including architectural design and instructions about deploying, running, and testing CORTX. As a reminder, the CORTX “home page” currently resides in github and all CORTX newcomers are encouraged to begin their exploration of CORTX there:

These confluence pages are designed to augment the CORTX experience by providing a deeper level of material. Additionally, they are a handy place and convenient platform by which Seagate employees can collaboratively document key aspects of CORTX. Unfortunately, due to licensing and legal considerations, external visitors to CORTX (who are highly welcomed!) are not currently able to propose edits to pages in confluence as they are able to do via Pull Requests to our github pages. However, all visitors are encouraged to leave ‘Anonymous’ comments wherever you have questions, suggestions, concerns, etc. When particular documents have been shown to have high levels of community involvement, these documents will be migrated to github to allow cooperative development with our external community.

Please note that as you browse through these pages, that you might occasionally encounter links to material which is not publicly visible. These links might include things like internal Jira tickets, or other references to inaccessible material. If you are a Seagate employee creating public confluence pages, please try to avoid internal references when possible but do feel free to include them when necessary. If you are a non-Seagate employee and you discover an enticing inaccessible reference, please do create an Anonymous comment so we can make sure to make that material accessible. Please do “sign” your comment with your github ID so that we can better answer your questions and gain some potential context into your question/comment.

As an example, here is a link that is only visible to Seagate employees which is the document that they use to help decide when material pertains to CORTX and should be shared and when material pertains to non-CORTX topics and should not be shared: Helpful Hint: Difference Between Public and Private Confluence.

Happy Browsing and Thanks Very Much for Joining Us in our Confluence Pages!

Children Pages


All pages that are added in this space must be reachable directly from this page or indirectly via a link on this page. This is the ‘no orphan’ rule; note that confluence can automatically find orpans: